It's been busy busy out here at the farm and we thought it was time for a little update! So here's what's going on in a nutshell:
July Yard Sale
We have been busy busy collecting donations for our annual yard sale! We are still in need of donations and if you would like to drop off; 10-2 on Wednesdays and Saturdays are ideal but if that doesn't work out just get in touch with us and set up a time to pop by! If you are local (Kingston, Poulsbo, Hansville) and need us to pick up please let us know!
If you aren't familiar with our yard sale, this is how it works... All of our items are donated then a group of AMAZING volunteers spend a week getting everything organized and set up for a MASSIVE four day yard sale (July 11-14.) Because we receive these items as donations it seems only fitting that we ask for donations in return rather than pricing! There's a little bit of everything - a treasure for everyone! All the proceeds from this fundraiser go toward providing feed and vetting for our equines! This is probably our largest fundraiser of the year. It's a lot of work but it is so so so worth it! So come on out and visit the farm in July! This year we will also have a lot of horse tack as well!
Nova gelded
This last week our not so little Super Nova got gelded! The surgery went perfectly and he is healing nicely. He's got another month before we can put him in with anyone ( gotta let that testosterone run it's course) but after that we hope that he can share a space with the lovely Stazi who is similar in age. They've been besties over the fence and we can't wait to see them run and play together!

teeth floating for our minis
This is a HUGE week at the rescue. We have farrier day on Wednesday where all of our horses get their feet done. and on Friday all of our minis are getting their teeth floated. It's an estimated cost of $2500. This may not seem like a huge expense in the world of vet care but it all adds up. We've had a pretty vet intensive year at Toni's Ponies. We have put the all call out to ask for a bit of help raising funds for these guys. ANY amount helps us tremendously! If you feel so inclined to donate for these guys specifically you can click the link here! This is for Joker, Princess, Gin, Tonic, Missy, Carl Wayne, Le' Roy, Bobaloui, Daisy, and Remington.

next on the schedule
We will not be having our scheduled Community Farm Day this Saturday. We hope to be able to reschedule later this summer but you can catch Toni's Ponies at the Kingston 4th of July parade! We are also still plugging away at getting the Thrift Store up and running! We had a great workday in late May and hope to plan one again soon when we get some word from our roofing guys! Stay tuned!
Newest additions
In April we welcomed our three newest residents. Remington the mini horse as well as Daisy and Bobalouie who are miniature donks. They have settled in just beautifully!
pirate festival
It was awesome to partner with Hood Canal Brewery for the Kingston Pirate Festival this year. We are so grateful for the opportunity to run the beer garden as a fundraiser!
Also.... in case you missed it... we were visited by a local celebrity. The PNW lost zebra! That little one sure got around! Can't believe it hopped on a ferry and got all the way to Kingston.
looking forward to summer!
We are so excited for summer! While we love the rain - because it makes the grass grow... We are absolutely just done with the mud. We can't wait to take the horses out and give them baths and love on them and spend days in the sun! As always, if you are interested in volunteering, our volunteer days are Wednesday and Saturday from 9am-2pm. Wear appropriate footwear, pack a lunch and come on down to the farm! See you around!